May 13, 2011

IAIN MARTIN: The euro crisis is terrifying - but it's Cameron's last chance to restore Britain's sovereignty

Surely, it was one of the greatest escapes in Britain’s history.

If we had been foolish enough to go into the European single currency we would be in an even more dire economic situation than we are now.

The euro’s lower interest rates would have made money even cheaper and easier to borrow during the boom, making the recession deeper when the bubble burst and more difficult to get out of.

You won’t hear any of this from those in the political establishment who cravenly backed Tony Blair when he was madly trying to abolish the pound.

Lord Mandelson, Nick Clegg, Lord Heseltine, Paddy Ashdown and Ken Clarke have all gone incredibly quiet on the subject of the single currency.

And no wonder, considering the terrifying scale of the calamity unfolding in the eurozone.

The crisis is now very dangerously poised. Weaker countries on the periphery of the zone — Greece, Ireland and now Portugal — cooked their books, ran up vast debts and have had to be bailed out by the rest, as well as by the International Monetary Fund.

The markets so distrust these countries — understandably given their reckless behaviour — that they are prepared to lend to them only at exorbitant interest rates. And this, in turn, worsens their debts.

This week it became clear that last year’s bailout of Greece has simply not worked. So out of control are the country’s borrowings and spending — even after various austerity programmes — that it is in serious danger of defaulting on its loans.

To head off this possibility, some are suggesting a so-called ‘restructuring’ in which those institutions in the financial markets which loaned money to the Greeks are forced to accept that they will not get all of it back.

Yet even this might not be enough to put an end to the problem. After crisis talks earlier this week.

German sources suggested that it may be time for everyone to cut their losses and that Greece should leave the euro. Privately, the Greeks have also floated the idea.

The countries that have been bailed out are in a terrible situation. They are contemplating years of recession or slow growth as they struggle to cope with the vast new debts they have taken on to keep the euro afloat.

Utterly impoverished, they can only look on as Germany and France power ahead with their own strong economic recoveries.

Britain, too, with its stuttering performance and flatlining GDP (which will be two per cent at best), has cause to be jealous.

Figures out yesterday suggested France will grow by around four per cent this year, and Germany by more than five per cent.

Even though it would be extremely messy, abandoning the euro could be tempting for these small countries which are desperate to leave their debts behind and start again.

But for cheerleaders of the eurozone, that would be a nightmare scenario. If Greece left, it would create huge instability and chaos, risking financial contagion, with the markets wondering which country was next in the departure lounge.

Greece is the most likely candidate, but it could be Ireland, Portugal or even Spain in the months ahead. The European Central Bank is desperate to insulate Spain in particular, and stop it becoming the next problem.

Spain is a much bigger fish economically than a minnow such as Ireland, and there is no bailout fund big enough to cope with the consequences of the Spanish not being able to pay their bills.

Advocates of the euro still say that nobody, not even Greece, will leave the eurozone. But little more than a year ago the same experts regarded the bailouts of weaker states as an impossibility.

Bailouts of this kind were supposed to be illegal, according to the original terms of the treaty that established the euro. Yet what was deemed an impossibility then is now reality. The bailouts happened. So it is no good now branding a partial break-up of the euro as impossible.

It cannot be ruled out if those in the financial markets panic or political leaders bungle the next stages of their negotiations.

For Britain’s government, trying to concentrate on this country’s own considerable economic problems, this crisis is a massive headache it can do without.

Even though we still have the pound, our banks — along with those in Germany and France — are exposed because they hold some of the debts of eurozone countries. (Although the Treasury in London says it is satisfied that British banks have quietly reduced their level of exposure on this front in the past year.)

We are on the hook in other ways, too, unfortunately. The most disgraceful last act of the Labour government was to sign us up to take part in the financial rescues for Ireland and Portugal.

Mercifully, however, the Chancellor will tell other European finance ministers on Monday when they meet to discuss the crisis that the UK will play no further part in any future bailouts by the eurozone.

But so profound are the implications of this developing crisis that they are very likely to bring to a head the very issue David Cameron had hoped to avoid addressing, for fear of offending the Europhile Lib Dems: that of Europe and Britain’s position in the EU.

Of the 27 members of the EU, 17 are in the eurozone. After the latest stage of the crisis, those in the euro will move much closer together.

Led by France and Germany, they will have to integrate their economies even more to try to make the euro endure.

The Germans will demand that countries agree to tight budget discipline so that debts don’t get out of hand again, and will impose strict policies that suit German industry.

Those countries outside the euro but in the EU will then be put in an interesting position.

There will be a ‘two-speed Europe’ — with the more closely integrated eurozone members in one category and those outside the eurozone in another group.

That will make Britain the most powerful country in a grouping that includes Poland, Denmark, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Hungary and others.

Some of these countries are, in theory, in the queue to join the euro (at dates which keep being knocked further away).

But after the events of the past year, is anyone really going to be mad enough to ask to get into the euro?

No. Joining up looks like an even worse deal for them now that the Eurozone members have declared that the price of entry would be their stumping up a contribution to the single currency bailout fund. It is like being charged to enter a burning building.

These seismic developments will come as a brutal shock to the complacent British foreign policy establishment, which has long been in hock to Brussels and thinks our only option is to be dragged along the path of ever closer integration.

But the Europhile approach is about to be overtaken by history. In the wake of the euro crisis, the EU will be split in two and have to be reshaped in some way.

It should then be possible to negotiate a much better deal for those nations outside the euro — those countries which obviously won’t need the swathe of new harmonisation and regulation that will come with the inevitable closer integration of the core Euro countries.

Surely we can wish our neighbours luck with their project while, as the head of the non-euro group, demanding a much looser set of arrangements for ourselves.

Let’s have national powers returned, an end to our membership of the dreaded social chapter that imposes so many costs on business, the rebirth of proper parliamentary sovereignty and the continuation of a free trade area.

The euro crisis is creating a great deal of frightening uncertainty — but it also presents an historic leadership opportunity for David Cameron.


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